Help offered on this web site for donations.
Drawing up of individual natal charts and horoscopes, a definition of interoperability partners with recommendations on the \u0026quot;selection key\u0026quot; to the psychology of the behavior of a partner (a donation - of your choice). For those interested - an individual can receive in Moscow (admission fee - 2000rub. With the issuance of the check).
Manufacture of individually selected mascot for connections personal guardian angel.
Operating cosmic energies.
Cosmoenergy a living system to use energy in our galactic Vselennoy.Otkrytie channels CEA promotes spiritual growth, consciousness, energy and cleanse auric course of healing diseases tela.Mnogie people receiving initiation frequencies were able to heal themselves, their relatives and other people who applied to them for help . On Master degree of dedication, the operator FE becomes available control forces of nature and event lines in zhizni.Magistram is opened all the essence of universe energy flows, the meaning of what is happening in the world, the channels of communication with other civilizations, available to him the secret thoughts of the people around them and many are hidden from the other mystery.
Opportunities kosmoenergeta
Each operator has received initiation USV can heal yourself and others using the same energy Kosmosa.Tak use of these energies has beneficial effects on energy and human consciousness, helps to prevent unpleasant events, and attracting udachi.Kazhdy kosmoenerget interested in the development of their super-powers has the ability to learn clairvoyance, diagnosing diseases, and phenomena associated with extraordinary vozmozhnostyami.Tak also have practice on the effects on life events, the surrounding people, the natural phenomenon.
The cost of training.
Any dedicated kosmoenerget attained a master degree may charge any fees for its obuchenie.No on this site( ), we offer training and advice for FREE.
Conditions of Initiation
Channels Cosmic Energy by the condition of energy transfer is assigned by the Initiation of a fee in the form of the work done by a student to master, either in its financial ekvivalente.V otherwise would subject the student master risk weighting karmy.Na Currently, the following prices - Easy to block channels 3000rubley each ; on Block Masters of Masters 5000rubley.Blok only opens the Masters have proven by the practice of charity spiritual healing or coaching. Since the training is free, Masters is recruiting students selectively - you can send your request for training, annexing their photos by e-mail